Saturday, December 26, 2009

2nd #Coffeeclub Challenge

As everyone knows the 1st #Coffeeclub Challenge was a successful one which was given to @cheth to post a avatar (DP) without the Shades. @Cheth accepted the challenge & did change his DP, i think he kept that DP for nearly a week, this shows his real frolicsome person.

Now the 2nd #Coffeeclub Challenge goes to @ArunBasilLal to change his DP, thats bcos ever since i have been following him i think he haven't changed his DP ever, but still he's a very good friend of @rMiLaNa who is famous for taking her own picx with her mobile everyday mostly at after midnight and posting it the very next morning.

At times even @ArunBasilLal was more keen on what @rMiLaNa will publish her DP or what kinda improvisation she will be doing to her DP.

Now iam Challenging @ArunBasilLal to take up this challenge & change his DP for a week's time condition: No adding any socks or any sort of stamp over the DP. This will not be excepted.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Milana.

The Twitter CoffeeClub wishes its pride Owner a very happy n warm Birthday.

Hey buddy wish u many more happy returns of the day...

Side by side or miles apart
True friends are always close to your heart
Whether you're turning five or fifty-five
You know that we all are true friend because you're here beside us
we are here, right now, on your special day
So lets give a cheer for you, hip, hip, hooray!

Friday, September 18, 2009

When #twitmovie is on! (Grab your twopcorn)

I have to admit that last night i have fun on twitter, because of the #twitmovie (twitter movie) was on.
I saw one tweet with that #hashtag and thought of that was a fun thing to do,
#twitmovie : People are playing a game where they insert a derivation of the word "tweet" into an existing movie title to make a new movie title. via todayztrend

Here are my tweets for #twitmovie :

1. Chronicles of Twitmania : the follower,the spam and the fail whale (original movie : Chronicles of Narnia : the Lion,The witch and the wardrobe)

2. Tweetformers : revenge of the fallen whale (original movie : Transformers : Revenge of the fallen)

3. Tweet wars V : the follower strike back (original movie : Star Wars V : The Empire Strike back)

4. Austin followers : the spy who tweeted me (original movie : Austin Power: The spy who shagged me)

5. Lord of the tweet : return of the follower (original movie: Lord of the Ring : Return of the King)

6. Lord of the tweet : the two followers (those who follow back and those who doesn't) (original movie : Lord of the Ring : the two towers)

7. Lord of the tweet : the fellowship of the followers (original movie: Lord of the ring : the fellowship of the ring)

8. Be kind re-tweet (original movie : Be kind rewind )

9. The memoirs of a tweet (original movie : The memoirs of a geisha)

10.The twast and the twurious (original movie: The fast and the furious)

11.Twinderella (original movie : Cinderella)

12.Pirates of the Caribbean: At tweets end (original movie : Pirates of the Caribbean : At world end)

13.Burn after tweeting (original movie : Burn after reading)

14.Dude Where's My Followers? (original movie : Dude where's my car?)

15.James Bond : Licence to Tweet (original movie : James Bond-Licence to kill)

16.Rumble in the Tweets (original movie : Rumble in the Bronx)

17.Romeo must tweet (original movie : Romeo must die)

18.Teenage Mutant Ninja Twitters (original movie : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

19.The whole nine tweet (original movie: the whole nine yard)

20.Harry twitter : Half blood follower (original movie: Harry Potter : Half blood prince)

21.Tweetless in Seattle (original tweet: sleepless in Seattle)

22.While you were tweeting (original movie : while you were sleeping)

23."Twick" remote control of twitterverse (original movie : Click )

24. 50 first tweet (original movie : 50 first date)

25.Twitformers : revenge of the retweeted (original movie : Transformers : Revenge of the fallen)

I think that's about enough, and i was spammed my followers stream indeed,i think i lost like 10 followers,oh well..but its ok! i was having fun (^_^)

Here what makes it more interesting :
the tweet from @spillcrew ( found it via @buzzedition )

"Time for some generosity,follow us and @ us your #twitmovie ideas, best one gets a Spill T-shirt..u know you want 1"

If you click on #twitmovie you will find alot of funny movie titles,some are similar one another,yes! we know its because the original title are well known :P

Here are the top 6 most interesting #twitmovies title ( #coffeeclub version) :

1.Twitter Rise of the Avatars via @DaBulGee

2.Fahreinheit 140" @SGStrong

3.A few good tweet via @Kaye723

4.Free Fail whale via @Grog42

5.How to loose followers in 10 tweets starring Kanye west via @cdecamps

6.Rambo: First Tweet via IanFHood

Right now we are currently waiting for @spillcrew to announce the winner of the Spill T-shirt,and surely will update it in this blog once it announced. :D

Before i forgot,i also have 2 #twitmovie for #followfriday edition :

1. The three must-retweets ( @cheth @buzzedition @Jason_Pollock) (original movie : the three Musketeers)
explanation : the idea is to recommend 3 people on twitter that their tweets always a must retweet

2.Twantastic 4 : Golden twiterers ( @mistygirlph @minervity @kobyb @virtuosoblogger ) (original movie : Fantastic 4 : Silver Surfer)
explanation : the idea is to recomend 4 fantastic people of the day

I hope you enjoy this post and you can come up with your own #twitmovie,its easy and fun! so feel free to post it on the comment box.

Thank you all for reading this post and hope you will find it interesting.


Image credit : 9GAG

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Deactivate twitter? why ?

Image Credit : tsevis

What will be the reason for you to deactivate your twitter account?

When i left my cellphone with the twitter page still on (yeah,pls don't do this) my friend just tweeted : "i will deactivate my twitter account :@ "

Most reactions i got from my friends on twitter is "WHY?"

yeah why?, why i would deactivate my account? hmm, i have no reason yet,so i asked that question to my twitter friends (through @replies and DM ) and here are their answers :

@iAshim [Possibly my swinging mood]

@oleeoebi when it's password is known to many people?

@Juniesgurl says HACKERS SPAMMERS AND VIRUSES oh my! there's my 3 reasons to delete twitter! ;0) - don't want it 2 come 2 that!

@anooprk07 If @rmilana unfollows me !!! :P

@bonnie67 i don't think i would give up my twitter account at all,twitter is to fun and additive many use it for so many different reasons. business,personal,family,friends

@virtuosoblogger a lot of spammers. And maybe twitter not working

@Farrhad For me it would be too many spammers on twitter

@sillycows spam

@KimSherrell I may add Twitter to my collection of artifacts vis-a-vis oldschool gated-communites,I favor open source to gated walls. As soon as new model takes hold, I would like to be in that camp

@sashagrosman uncontrollable spam ( via @KimSherrell )

@jwoon888 None! Cause i won't. It'll be like telling all your friends you don't wanna speak to them anymore:)

@angellr Have no current reason to deactivate my Twitter account ... selling my data might be a good consideration. Hope this helps

@scarletmandy I would delete if I had my heart broken by someone on Twitter I was interested in ;)

@HennArtOnline hmmm, I dont think I would ever deactivate unless they start charging $$ & even at this I dont think I would.hope this helps:~)

@civlee i would NEVER deactivate my twitter acct. FAB friends here make it a great place to be... oxo c

@crusaderz4life I have deactivated two accounts..too much too keep up with..I would deactivate this account if I was too busy with work #I♥Family

@cheth no matter what happens i will never deactivate my account.. but if it gets hacked that might be the only exception. #survey

@pprakash Till now I don't find any reason.. So I will continue enjoying it..

@rmansoo Too much bots who may be real persons but tweet alot

Most of the tweeps will deactivate their twitter account because of spams,hope twitter will clear the spams problems.

well,can i ask you again : "what will be the reason that make you decided to deactivate your twitter account?" and you can leave your thoughts on the comment box below.

Thank you for all of you that replies my question,and yeah you know the above tweeps are worth the follow.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Twitter Ignore kids. Are you one? Poll results

Yeah Twitter is all about conversations, but one question that ticked me from day one on twitter. why Don't some people bother to reply you back? Yeah I never figured it out myself so after some brainstorming sessions of learning some people I decided that this is a hard nut to crack so i sent out a tweet #poll and asked out my twitter buddies. And here is what they say! :)

There was a quick fire replies from my twitter buddies! SO this is obvious that these guys are very engaging. So please consider following them :)

@sizzler_chetan: @cheth Yes i do. I assume they were busy when they pretended to ignore me :) Be good, they will learn the lesson automatically!

@Monicutza03449 @cheth If the ignoring part is a rule and its proved in time whats the point in wasting your precious time with someone who doesnt see u? :)

@HNatarajan: Yes, I do. My education has taght me to b courteous. RT @cheth #blog post - #poll answer me - Do u reply to a person who ignored ur tweet b4

@sakthidharan @cheth Never bro ! That is an insult I never take lying down #blog #poll

@idaremyidea @cheth not if i didn't not see it ;)

@KirtiB @cheth yes i do reply :)

@Leanne_Campbell @cheth If I tweeted them a question and they didn't reply and I ask them another question and still no reply then yes I delete them.

@JudiStull @cheth #blog, #poll - yes, I reply cuz I've been known to miss seeing new tweets directed at me or forget to reply. Figure they're same.

@Shripriya @cheth Yes. It's about a conversation and people may be busy. Can't be petty about twitter. It's about learning, not rank and vendettas! :)

@rmilana @cheth if they ask me i will always reply,that's mean i respect them (^_^) #poll #blog

@VAStateParks @cheth Yes. Sometimes people miss tweets.

@LexiePixie @cheth Yes. Everyone deserves a second chance. Maybe he/she just missed my tweet. Or was busy. But only one more chance :):)

Now here are some confusing replies ;)

@Myth60 @cheth all depends on the person #poll

@PavanKumar @cheth yes of course, many reasons...

@dharshana @cheth It depends on my mood and what the person asks! :)

And Some more..

@JoeMCallahan @cheth #poll - Yes. They might of missed your tweet. If they do it more then once though then I will ignore

@Minervity @cheth Yup, I most definitely do. There are way to many reasons the person could have missed my earlier tweet. So, Yes I would. :)

@SarahRobinson @cheth I do reply because sometimes I don't always see all my tweets & they may not have seen mine. Cut lots of slack here. #poll

@vewe @cheth if that person keep ignoring me,i will definitely not talking to him/her anymore :o) #blog #poll

@wpstudios @cheth #twitter #poll yes I usually do since most of us are busy and follow so many ppl that you can loose some tweets :)

@virtuosoblogger @cheth i try to reply after all they have read my tweet i should tell them that i do too read theirs

@TrendTracker @cheth Try to reply to all tweets. Miss some Encourage a 2nd try Disappointed, but no hard feelings if mine r missed

Hmmmn confuing thoughts isnt It! ? well what I say is agree with the point that a person can miss a tweet once, twice, thrice.. but more than 5 times do you hink twitter users have so much patience? I dont think so. But Dont forget the fact that Some top Tweeple like @mashable and others never never reply. But we cannot forget the fact that they get too many people who ask them various things "AND I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND" but guys! lets play in the twitter spirit. Isnt Twitter all about conversation? See for the fact that I have 21K followers on twitter. But i tend to reply back to all.. Yes! I did ignore some people who "trash talk" or those who have ignored me more than 3 instances. But after reading all the tweets from my twitter buddies. The bottom line is Twitter is all about conversations! So guys what say lets play in the spirit and try to reply back to almost all :)

Please note a fact that there are some people who reply to most influential twitter users and expect a reply just because they want to hit a higher score in grader. The very peoplular @GuyKawasaki had noticed this probelm and created a new account @GuysReplies to counter this problem. And I agree with him totally. I have a current twitter Grading of #14 and have noticed a lot of people asking me some silly questions. But I still try to be good and reply back to them.

GUYS DONT EXPECT A CELEB TO REPLY BACK TO YOU. But you still follow him/her? I think this is going to be a never ending debate. But what I say Is Twitter is what you make it as. So reply to all your buddies and keep the smile ticking and I can bet you will get it back :)

I know! I know! you may agree and disagree with a lot of comments posted here. You see a beautiful comment box below. How about sharing your thoughts? :) Tweet on! =)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

to follow back or not to follow back

"what make you decided to follow back your followers?"

That was the question that i have in mind,so i tweeted that out to know what is the reason for most of the tweeple ( twitter people ) to follow back their followers.Some @replies was very interesting and so i go on with sending DM (Direct Message) to certain people that having certain amount of followers with the range between 50 to 100k followers.

Thank you very much for all of you who have tweeted and DM your answers to me,you are what twitter is all about.

So here are the results :

@alaksir if they seem legit: # of updates, follow behavior, @ replies, etc.

@frontofmonitor Simply because they follow me :)

@Djalfy Because they have common intrests

@anooprk07 Well .. I keep in mind 2 things before following a preson .. 1)They must have the same interests as me or they must be cooool

@jwoon888 I felt it was just the most courteous thing to do :-)

@ShellyKramer Hi girlie. I follow most everyone back (unless they r pervy or p*rn hos). I like ppl & welcome interaction

@Juniesgurl points of interest!

@binoyxj Its because i ll get new friends and i can network through them also :)

@dharshana I see their followers and who they follow back and their updates! (^__~)

@besz 0_0 I have followers? Someone is following me to my home & office & playground???!!! 0_0 !!!??? #question

@cheth If a person has o_O as his avatar and no bio.. or if he offers me free iphone then I never follow back

@primatage i think everyone who follows me deserves to be followed back, i think it's only right. everyone starts at zero :)

@BuzzEdition honestly, hate new twitter format, so basically I use autofollow with the new filters to block out spammers & then weed out spam

@senthilnambi If they reply me i guess

@monikkinom Good Tweets (for me, techie stuff) or perhaps a good avatar, name or a BG design :P

@CateP36 I follow back real people who have real interraction with others :)

@OhowFUN I look for real people to follow, that want to carry on real conversations and chat interesting topics. Like you, rmilana :)

@sweetlilmzmia i follow funny &/or inspiring tweeps that interact w/others a lot.☺

@mistygirlph when they have interesting tweets complete w/ bio & decent pictr

@sizzler_chetan Its their activity, interaction with other tweeps which i look to follow them back.

@ruhanirabin followback reason is their activity, content and engagement :)

@epcotx Twitter is a community of interactive worldwide friends! Friends look out for friends! Loyal friends follow as well!

@owaeis I only follow people who tend to talk to me by replying to my tweets!

@djR3Z If uve tweeted within the last day, have a good amnt of tweets, & have a pic, I follow back

@darkdoor follow back - Its a an ordinary person on twitter, not selling anything and themselves.

@iamkhayyam b/c they were either a.) weird b.) designers c.) interesting d.) friend of a friend e.) contributors f.) didn't have expert in bio

@milagro88 I flw back if :
1) they r real people
2) if I see they interact w/peeps
3) if they share good info,
4) no spam,no selling anything
5) I don't flw back if they have tweets that are mean, rude, swearing, racist/prejudiced.
6) if they follow me & @me to say hello
7) if i see that we have the same friends (i.e. if cheth and rmilana )follow them back!

@Mike_Wesely i respect most that show respect to me by following me. The Follow is just 1 very small step in the relationship.

@miksas It seemed to increase my follow count and to get a clear view on buzz topics (needed for work) ;)

and here is the exclusive answer from our youngest twitterer the 8 years old Henry Adams :

@toad_mario the answer to your question is i follow people that ar my moms friends.i have to have her permission to follow back

To complete this,here are my reasons to follow back :

"i follow back real people that interact with others,tweet a good content,and definitely not a spam that trying to sell or asking you to click a certain url or asking you to register to see their pic"(in red : latest version of a spam bio) "

Among other things, here are the top 5 list of reason why people will follow you back :

1.Not a spam

2.With complete bio and decent avatar

3.Interact with people

4.Sending informative,good content,funny and interesting topic of tweets

5.Having common interest

The last but very important reason that people will follow you back after those top 5 list of reasons, is that you have to be on twitter (^_~)

I do recommend you to follow all the above tweeples,because they are worth the follow.

Thank you

Special note : if you'd like to follow my #twitterbro @toad_mario you might have to follow his mom first @adamsconsulting (Diana Adams) (^_^)

Image credit : hubspot

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

tweet-art ✶¸.•*¨*•Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

This time i want to share the "twitter art" that decorate twitter , and that i really love to tweet,because for me it's beautiful (^_^)
Some people been asking how i did these kind of tweet,i usually just give them the link
or give them permission to copy paste my tweets.

So, here i share those tweets that i "arranged" and with the resources that i have fortunate enough to found on twitter.

Here are my tweets :

Wednesday 18th March 2009
♥♫♥♫♥' *SPRINKLING**LOVE*(¯`v´¯)*♥*.¸.*´♥*.¸.*♥*♥*.¸.*♥´*.¸.* .•´¸.•*♥¨*.¸.*´¸.•♥´¸.•*.¸.*♥

Monday 6th April 2009
splashing love ☼ ♥ ♥ ♥ ☼♥♫♥♫♥' ☼ ♥ ♥ ♥ ☼♥♫♥♫♥' ☼ ♥ ♥ ♥ ☼ ♥ ☼♥
♥☼♥♫♥♫♥' ☼ ♥ ♥ ♥ ☼ ♥♫♥♫♥'☼ ♥ ♥ ♥ ☼ ♥♫♥♫♥'☼ ♥ ♥ ♥ ☼ ☼ ♥ ♥

Friday 17th April 2009
sprinkling magic rainbow *¸.•*¨ ¸.•*¨¸.•*¨•*¨.•*¨.¸.*¸.•*¨*.¸.*¸.•*¨•*¨.•*¨`*.¸.*¸.•*¨•*¨.•*¨.¸.*¸.•*¨•*¨

Wednesday 22nd April 2009
sprinkling ♥ in rainbow dust ☼¸.•*¨•*☼¸.♥•*¨•*♥¸.•*¨•*♥'☼¸.•*¨¸♥•*¨•*¨.•
*¨☼♥'☼.¸.*¸.•*¨*.¸☼¸♥.*¸.•*¨•*¨☼¸♥.•*¨`*☼¸♥.•*¨•* '☼♥.¸.♥

Friday 24th April 2009
♫.•*¨•*¨)☼¸♥INVITATION to #twitception of ¸♥♫.•*¨•*¨)☼¸♥ @.... + @....

♫.•*¨•*¨)☼ ¸♥MONDAY April, 27 2009 ☼¸♥♫.•*¨•*¨)☼ #twitterfamilly

Monday 27th April 2009
love waves ♫<3¸.•*¨*•.¸♥¸.•*¨*•.¸♥¸.•*¨*•.¸♥¸.•*¨*•.¸♥¸.•*¨*•.¸♥.•*¨*•.¸♥

Thursday 30th April 2009
¸♥♫.•*¨•*¨)☼¸♥ hApPy bIrThDaY tO yOu ¸♥♫.•*¨•*¨)☼¸♥ la la la ♫
♫.•*¨•*¨)☼make a wish ¸♥♫.•*¨•*¨)☼¸♥ blow a candle

Tuesday 5th May 2009


awww its works!!! yayyyy!!! ☼¸.•*¨*✿.•*¨`*❇.•*¨*•.¸❤.•*¨*☀.•*¨`*.♫•*¨`*❀¸.•*¨*✶.•*¨`*✮

Wednesday 20th May 2009
☀❤.•¸.•*¨*•.¸♥ ☀❤.•¸.•*¨*•.¸♥ ☀❤.•¸.•*¨*•.¸♥ ☀❤.•¸.•*¨*•.¸♥☀❤

.•¸.•*¨*•.¸♥ ☀❤.•¸.•*¨*•.¸♥ ☀❤.•¸.•*¨*•.¸♥ ☀❤.•¸.•*¨*•.¸♥

*whistle* (^3^)•¸.•*¨*•.¸♪ ♫•¸.•*¨*•.¸♪ ♫•¸.•*¨*•.¸♪ ♫

Sunday 24th May 2009
#rainbowlove ❤•*¨`*¸.•*¨`*¸.❀•*¨`*¸.•*¨`*¸❤•*¨`*¸.•❀•*¨`*♥

Wednesday 3rd June 2009

Friday 26th June 2009
confeti : •✶¸.•*¨*•✮*•.¸.✶.*¸✮*´`*•.¸✶¸.•*✶.*✮¸.•*✶.*✮¸.•*✶

magic rainbow dust ❣•¸.•*¨*•.¸Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ❀*¨`*✽¸.•*¨`*


Sunday 5th July 2009
fireworks *zoop* ☼•*¨•*¨¸.•*¨`*.•*¨*•✮*•.¸.✶.*¸✮*´`*•.¸✶☼


Wednesday 15th July 2009


Here are my sources:

I was fortunate enough to follow the lovely @ZnaTrainer on twitter

this is the first twitter art i found from one of her tweet...

★♫♥♫♥☆' *SPRINKLING** *LOVE*(¯`v´¯)*.¸.*`*..* * '..' * *

1.Useful icons :

Thursday 9th April 2009
@cheth : Useful icons ♥ ✈ ☺ ♬ ☑ ♠ ☎ ☻ ♫ ♤ ☤ ♪✩ ✉ ☠ ✔

★♺❦ ☁ ✌ ☂☝✽☥✍✵ ☣ ✡ ✏ ☮ ♘ ✾ ☯ ☞ ☜ ❥ ✄

❂❆♙♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ VIEW IN WEB!

2.The Miscellaneous Symbols :
Wednesday 15th April 2009
@iPenginBrijhe RT @KimSherrell free ~♡~symbols to copy + paste

Miscellaneous Symbols

3.the beautiful butterfly :
Wednesday 3rd June 2009

@IndigoSpirit Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ღஜღ .•*´`*♥*´`*•. ღஜღ

.•*´`*♥*´`*•. ღஜღ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Well,it is up to you now,to create/arrange another one or....

just copy paste them from here (^_~)

and i promise, if i find another addition to this art,i will post them here.

Thank you all

and let's tweet-art! ✶¸.•*¨*•✮*•.¸.♫.¨•*¨☼Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ


image credit : chibi-chibi

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

More Twitter Acronyms And Definitions

Instant Messaging/Chat AcronymsImage by tuchodi via Flickr

As @jason_pollock started the idea of acronyms with his #TYC (T)he Youngest (C)andidate and @rmilana continued it further in her previous post at the coffee club. It would be good to define terms like Twitter, Retweet and Tweeple.

To take the idea forward i've coined three more twitter acronyms.

TWITTER = (T)weet to (W)in over (I)ndividuals so (T)hat (T)hey (E)ventually (R)etweet

TWEEPLE = (T)he Most (W)onderful, (E)ncouraging and (E)ngaging (P)eop(le)

TWITTER = (T)o (W)rite (I)nteresting Stuff (T)o (T)each (E)ach (R)eader

Come up with your own definitions. I couldn't get one #TWITTERVERSE, though it is quite trick ;)

This is my first post on #coffeeclub and i've joined it recently and i hope to learn a lot from u guys.

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Friday, July 10, 2009

"Acronym" = having fun or getting headache?

Hiya folks! long time no post..yes yes yes been busy and all ( all means busy too ).
So let's have some fun again here..shall we? yes we shall! (^_^)

Lately i've been doing something with Acronym
which are really fun,its where you try to get a good words for an alphabet.
Well,let me give you the result for it ok...

TWITTER = Tweet With Integrity Then Takes out Ego by Retweeting

and here a better version (thank you to @Jason_Pollock ) :

TWITTER = (T)weet (W)ith (I)ntegrity (T)o (T)hen (E)arn (R)etweets

check out the tweet here the "Twitter" tweet

here another one:

ReTweet = (R)espect (E)arned (T)hrough (W)ords that (E)choes to an (E)xtra (T)weet
(rough edition)

and here a better version (thank you to @ohshooter) :

ReTweet = Respect Earned Through Words that Emphasize an Exceptional Tweet

check out the tweet here the "Retweet" tweet

See.. that was fun (^_^)

And then i started to do that to my friends twitter ID and the first victim was @Cheth and @Vewe hehe,cause their ID is simple and short enough,here are the result :

@cheth = (C)harm and (H)umble with an (E)xceptional (T)alent at (H)eart

@vewe = (V)ery (E)ngaging with her (W)onderful (E)nergy

so what do you think now? headache? hmm.. let see my latest victim :

@dharshana = a (D)azzling (H)eart (A)lways (R)eady to (S)hare and (H)elp (A)nyone follow her (N)ow you'll be (A)mazed

see..that was long enough *phiew* (^_~)

ok now the best part is that...wait i hope this is the best part (>.<) ok..then let's continue.. I've been trying to figure out the best acronym ever for my lovely twitter sister @sn0wrose
its challenging because she had 0 (zero) on her ID (the 0 after n is number, which is zero instead of o an alphabet ).

Well well let's have fun with that,i invite you all to join this acronym challenge,to find the most awesome words for @sn0wrose by post it on the comment box.

Here are some rules that you have to follow :

1.make it fun, but don't make fun of the person can come up with any words but please no harsh,rude or dirty words can post more than 1 acronym
4.Don't forget the 0 is number (zero) (uhh sounds challenging eh? )

Hey..what are we waiting for? let's get headache..oops i mean let's have fun!!!


Note : Follow @Jason_Pollock , @ohshooter ,@cheth , @vewe , @dharshana on twitter

and of course follow @sn0wrose too on twitter to know what a wonderful and lovely person she is!

Image Credit : Pia Overgaard

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Coffeeclub's Rhyme

Hello everyone,as you know,i was posted about "how if we make a poem together"( Let’s Get Rhyme ), and it actually turns out really good,where each everyone of you sent out your line that actually rhyme.

I thank you very much for those simple,lovely,rhyming line and appreciated your time.

So, I decided to get that line all together and here are the result

I hope you will enjoy it as much as i do


"From tweet to friendship"

I have my morning, i grab my coffee cup,

I log on to twitter to see what's up

Saw Milana with the coffee cup,

I want to play but first must walk my pup.

But then I saw the action over at #coffeclub,

I had to tweet "Whazzup!"

I have my morning as I grab my coffee cup,
and I watch the sunrise continue to pop up,
and whisper the colors of love,
to remind me of what I have

I put my smile, I know that you will be there,

but later i realized, fail whale didn't let me in there

Now that I am here, why do you have to fear ?

all i want everyone to do is cheer* cheer* cheer*

I have my morning as I grab my coffee cup,
and I watch the sunrise continue to pop up,
and whisper the colors of love,
to remind me of what I have

Instead of coffee, can I have a beer?

Over here, beer is nowhere to find my dear..

If you want coffee we are here to share.

Yup, coffee is what we share,

still if you ask for beer,

i guess none of us will spare

I have my morning as I grab my coffee cup,
and I watch the sunrise continue to pop up,
and whisper the colors of love,
to remind me of what I have

With the coffee and the tweet, we stomp our feet,

we retweet and retweet to show our feat,

knowing as we do, that nothing can touch this beautiful beat.

I feel the beat, smell the roasted beans so sweet,

wanting to share it so I will retweet, and pass along this joyful treat.

I have my morning as I grab my coffee cup,
and I watch the sunrise continue to pop up,
and whisper the colors of love,
to remind me of what I have

I do feel my beat,

when i tweet and retweet along with the taste of my coffee so sweet.

All this talk about "beat", I should learn to dance, I really have "two left feet"

My two left feet have begun a dance,

as I hold my coffee cup in one hand,

and in the other I hold up my pants.

I have my morning as I grab my coffee cup,
and I watch the sunrise continue to pop up,
and whisper the colors of love,
to remind me of what I have

Should i reach out for you, to help you stand?

because i am your friend,

with the friendship that this world seems to understand

Understand that we are friends,

through good times and the bad,

someone who shares the things you do, the happy as well as the sad

You sip your coffee, and talk of things,

that such a friendship surely brings

I have my morning as I grab my coffee cup,
and I watch the sunrise continue to pop up,
and whisper the colors of love,
to remind me of what I have

Refrain courtesy of : Sir John

To see all the line contributor, you can check it out here : Let’s Get Rhyme

Image credit : Bird Tweets

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Coffeeclub members ~ Here's a Good morning track!

Well I cant believe its so silent over here at this blog. So lemme break the ice! grab some coffee and listen to this track ;) Its instrumental and temme if you liked it :-)


If you dont have flash player installed. Please download it and drag the file into your firefox browser and listen to the small track :P lemme know your comments!

Image credit- Georgios Karamanis


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

mY fAvOrItE sOnGs oF aLL tImE ♫ .•¸.•*¨*•.¸♥

Hello guys!

This time i want to share about my favorite songs of all time,those songs that i will never get bored to listen to.Those song either have a special memories, or i just love the music or the lyrics,or sometimes i just love the beat, even if i didn't understand the lyrics ( because of the song was in other language that i don't understand).

Some of those song inspired me in my writings, or remind me of someone,or it really a "must hear" tune to start the day and while having a cup of coffee.

When it comes to music or songs, actually i kind of have a very long list,but i will mention some that i really... really love to hear everytime i start my music player, and i hope i will hear those song here on our very own cool #coffeeclub jukebox *wink at Venksh and Cheth* (^_~)

So here they are,my top 30 songs in random order :

1. Simple Things by Jim Brickman feat Rebecca Lynn Howard

2. Destiny by Jim Brickman feat Jordan Hill

3. Ordinary world by Kathleen McPhee

4. Comfortable by John Mayer

5. Somewhere Over The Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole

6. Witch Doctor by Alvin and the Chipmunk

7. Your Wonderful Smile by John Buehler and Andrew Arbetter

8. Won't let you fall by Fergie

9. Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves

10. React by Erick Sermon feat Redman

11. I will Rise by Chris Tomlin

12. Indescribable by Chris Tomlin

13. Miracles Happen by Myra

14. Lucky by Jason Mraz feat Colbie Cailat

15. Footprints in the sand by Leona Lewis

16. Time of my life by Dirty Dancing

17. Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield

18. Always You by Jennifer Paige

19. First Love by Utada Hikaru

20. Khabar Nahi by Dostana

21. Angels Brought me Here by Guy Sebastian

22. I promise by Stacie Orico

23. Fall in Love By Nick Lachey

24. Its The way you make me feel by Steps

25. Just Dance by Jamirequai

26. Because you loved me by Celine Dion

27. Thank God I found you by Mariah Carey feat Joe & 98 degrees

28. He Still Loves me by Beyonce feat Walter Sr Williams

29. Beautiful Soul by Jesse Mc Cartney

30. World filled with Love by Craig David

Well, i could go on and on with the list, but i dont want to bored you with the long list, so i guess thats all for now.Just clickety the song title to listen to it on Grooveshark .

I do hope you all will share your favorite song also on the comment box,and hopefully we will have it play 0n our jukebox.

*cheers* d(^.^)b

Image Credit : Cracking Jokes

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

LeT's gEt rHyMe !!

Good Morning!

Today i have this idea of what if we're all together create a poem? wouldn't that be fun?

Yes i really love poems,and I think it'll be a fun thing to do (trust me) *wink*

So here are some steps of how we will roll this out :

1.The idea is to get everyone to post a comment and to give out one line that should be rhyme with the previous comment,or should be rhyme with my line if you are the first one in the comment box.

2.I will give out the line and the rest will follow in the comment box.

3.Try to keep your line connect with friendship,coffee,fun or anything towards friendship that build this #coffeeclub, and i will give another line in the comment box as well, to keep it on track.

4.All we have to do is keep it rhyme, and at the end i will gather all of your line,put it in a stanza,decide what title we will use and hopefully we will have our first poem together.yayy!!

5.You can post more than one line of comment,meaning you can give out another line of yours after someone elses line.Well...I will not stress you any further,so remember this is just for fun!

So, what are we waiting for? just grab your coffee and Let's get rhyme!!


Here is my first line :

"I have my morning,i grab my coffee cup"

Image credit : Lisa Doe

About Twitter #Coffeeclub

This blog is created for the twitter Coffeeclub member to post their thoughts,opinions,news or anything that comes to mind.

#coffeeclub is a club that we’ve started on twitter, is where all the awesome people get together and discuss about anything,helping each other,chillin and listening to music.

So, i thought of creating a blog to gather all the member and keep tracking their works,that i found really awesome, you can find all the member’s twitter account on the member pages, click on their twitter account to follow them and to check on their blog, just click on the member’s blogroll.

Please do contact us by leaving us a comment if you have any question,sugestion or fantastic idea to make the twitter coffeeclub grow, and by the way..yes we love to drink coffee…

cheers *bang the cup*


Also read : How to become a member

Image credit: shhilja

Monday, May 25, 2009

Official Twitter Coffee Club Cups.

When i saw Cheth's interview post this evening(25th May) on Thoughtpick blog i was very happy that our friend has done such a great work and yet he's very humble and down to earth.

What inspired me to design these cups is, these lines from the interview post.

@fadipick: 8. When you design for the social Web, what are the most important rules that you keep in mind? #140
@cheth: Simplicity and Elegance in design speaks a lot more. Set an example to others than following other designs as examples. #140

Even i, once used to do the design work, create something or the other in photoshop and so on. But now i dont find time to do what i did before, but after reading these lines something pulled me back to photoshop and design these cups for our Coffee Club, though i may not be that perfect as Cheth does it, but a small piece of work from myside to the club, hope everyone likes it. Will surely post next set of cups.

Coffee Club Cup #1

Coffee Club Cup #2

Coffee Club Cup #3

Coffee Club Cup #4

Coffee Club Cup #5

CoffeeClub Lounge

tHe cOfFeE cUp

Yes,if you see the above title,now we're talking about the cup that we use to drink our coffee,here are some examples :

Image credit to : D’s photo

Image credit to : NES-ART

Image credit to : ’Verito’

Or maybe this one is yours :

image was tweeted on May 18,2009 by : @harishkrishna

Or you are a Starbucks lover that drink the coffee right from it's original cup :

Either way, we would use a cup to drink the coffee right?... or no? ...what? you use bowl instead? oh wow! (^^,)

Well, as long as we talking about cups,here are some smiley cups that we usually use when we tweet a cheers with the rest of the coffeeclub member :

(_)0 (_)3 (_)D (_)B (_)> \_l> or like you said you use a bowl (______)0

Anyway! enjoy your coffee while its hot!

Cheers!! *bang a cup*


1st #Coffeeclub challenge

So here i am writing another post, and this time about the #coffeeclub challenge that i sent out yesterday May 24,2009, and it goes to @cheth

Here is the challenge :

We're all know @cheth is our friend and one of the coffeeclub member and admin to this blog ( read more here coffeeclub member’s intro ),and he had this cool avatar on twitter profile that showed he wear shades a.k.a sunglasses that looks really cool.So I challenged him to put a shadeless avatar on his twitter profile for a week,and see how the tweeples will react to that.
what makes this challenge more interesting is that @Cheth has 15k more followers and he got like 250 Direct Message everyday and i think around more than 500 @replies per day.

So,please do leave your comment of what or how would you think about this challenge.

And by the way your comment will be like a poll that will be collected and whether to make @cheth do this challenge or not.


How to become a member

It is come to my attention that this coffeeclub are becoming big,and alot of tweeples ( twitter people ) out there asking how to join the coffeeclub.

So here are 3 easy steps to become the twitter coffeeclub member :

1. Sent tweet to @rmilana a.k.a me, mentioning that you would like to join the coffeeclub and please put this #coffeeclub hashtag along with your tweet, so that i can track back your request,in case i missed your tweet, as i'll check those hashtag regularly ( gosh! it sounds like i dont have a job LOL.. jk)

2.If you are not following me on twitter ( yet) ,please mention the reference of how you get the information about this coffeeclub ( e.g from your twitter friend that already a member ) and again you should do step no.1

3.You are a member once you received my reply tweet to you and you can check your name on our Recently Join pages, and please give us 2 or 3 days to update it with your twitter ID on it.

That's it! so you are very much welcome to join the club and do visit our blog regularly for updated information or send out your idea,question or a post to me or to other member as follows :




We do hope you will enjoy your time with the rest of the coffeeclub members as much as i do,and please do leave a comment on the post, as that would be our precious feedback.

*Cheers* (_)0

Special note : We will do a regular track back on the membership, and we will remove those member who are not active in the past three months from our list, this is to avoid the unnecessary crowd in our list.So,I do hope you will understand.
We considere active member are those who always give their comment to our post.

The Coffee History

It is kind of weird if we're the coffeeclub don't have any post about the history of coffee itself,so let's read up :

"According to a coffee history legend, an Arabian shepherd named Kaldi found his goats dancing joyously around a dark green leafed shrub with bright red cherries in the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula. Kaldi soon determined that it was the bright red cherries on the shrub that were causing the peculiar euphoria and after trying the cherries himself, he learned of their powerful effect. The stimulating effect was then exploited by monks at a local monastery to stay awake during extended hours of prayer and distributed to other monasteries around the world. Coffee was born".

read more here :coffee research

Thanks to @harishkrishna for tweeting this on May 17,2009

(_)D *cheers*

Recently join

Here are the list of people who recently join our coffeeclub, and we surely will update this list every time we have a new member :



















Joining on 2010 :



Welcome to the club and *cheers*

The First Conference call

This is a short story about our first ever coffeeclub's conference call,where i have invited some of the coffeeclub member to attend this conference through Skype.

It was on May 23,2009 and around 6pm ( India time ) .Although there's only the four of us there (me, @dharshana ,@ramkarthik and @VENKSH ) but it was really fun, because finally we can talk to each other and mixed those giggle and laughing short of things.

I made the first call to Dharshana ,which i was very excited that finally i'm able to speak to her,who is really a sweet person.Actually we're end up giggling and laughing and that's when Ramkarthik type to us that the "giggle damaged one ear" and "the laugh damaged both ears" well... LOL to that. (^^,)

Meanwhile the three of us ( me, Dharshana and Ramkarthik ) were online, Venksh have to run home to get online on his skype.
That's just remind me to ask how he got home, by running like Flash?.. or by motorcycle?... or by Car?... or even by a private jet? hmm... *thinks*
So here a special note to Venksh : dude! tell us how you got home on the comment box! thanks dude ! (^_~).

I have to mention that Ramkarthik only able to get his speaker on, and not his microphone,so meanwhile the rest of us were talking,he listen and type the respond in a very quick kind of way. After several time, i have ask him to check whether his keyboard was covered with smoke because of his fast typo, and he said it's already gone into ashes! >Thwack< *I'm falling off my chair* (^_#)

At the end, me and Venksh have a conversation and talk about almost everything, and i told him how me and @sn0wrose have a tweetup (twitter meet up),how i got my first tweet and how i got connected with all the coffeeclub member. And he is a fun person to talk to,like we are already friends for so long.

It was really fun! though it was only for a short of time, and i think we should do it again!!
Guys, next time all of you should get the speaker and mic working properly, otherwise you will waste a good keyboard into ashes!! *serious stared to Ramkarthik* .


(_)3 *cheers*

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Coffeeclub Member's Intro

Name : RMILANA (Milana Ryan)

Location : Indonesia.

HOD of Coffeeclub, A person who kick starts everything from Coffeeclub to changing my Username and much more. She tweets unique style of smileys which you cant find in any of the applications. If you people need Starbucks Coffee ask her.

Website: dEwDrOpS

Follow Her On Twitter : @rmilana

Name : Chethan (Cheth)

Location : India (Manipal, Karnataka)

Though Rmilana started the Coffeeclub Its Cheth who created it and its because him iam here writing my first post on Coffeeclub Blog. This post isn't enough to describe this guy's talents an awesome Web-Designer, superb Blogger, Pro in designing Twitter Background and also Blogger Template, experience yourself because Coffeeclub template is given by him which so awesome. Very kind at Heart, always ready to help his friends at any time and loves reunion.

Website : Cheth Studios {design + code}

Follow Him On Twitter : @cheth

Name : Sudhersana (Sudha)

Location : India (Noida)

A very energetic person of Coffeeclub, RT queen of twitter, Award winner blogger, Very Adorable Terror Person lol. Twitter is her second home, will be available any time for her friends on Twitter.

Website : Sudhersana

Follow Her On Twitter : @dharshana

Name : Ramkarthik (Ram)

Location : India (Chennai)

A Charming person of the Coffeeclub, Heartthrob guy in his College, 19 years old PS: Still Single(all you beautiful ladies take a note of it) superb blogger, freelance writer and copywriter. My Awesome BRO.

Website : Blogging Tune (Tips On Blogging, Making Money Online And Internet Marketing)

Follow Him On Twitter : @ramkarthik

Name : Shruti Nair (Shruti)

Location : India (Madurai)

The funn creater of Coffeeclub, just give her any topic will make you laugh to the core or make the whole Coffeeclub members laugh at you to the core (My personal Exp). Crazy about Guitar, Very Lazy Blogger, superb adorable friend of all Coffeeclub members, My Awesome BRO who follows "How I Met Your Mother" as her religion.

Website : Shruticute continues

Follow Her On Twitter : @rehna_tu

Name : Arun Basil Lal (Arun)

Location : India (Chennai)

Arun is a wordpress master. Awesome friend, will thank each and everyone who RT his tweets, when it comes to #followfriday this guy wont leave behind any of his followers, SEO and Tech Lover. "I Blog Till I Drop and Tweet When I Drop", will help at time when you ask him.

Website : Million Clues (Pro Blogging Tips, Tech Tutorial, First Hand Reviews.)

Follow Him On Twitter : @ArunBasilLal

Name : Harish Krishna (Harish)

Location : India (Chennai)

Harish is one of the young member of the Coffeeclub (just 14 years), a smart kid, will give such superb idea on anything you demand for it. young Blogger, Internet Marketer,movie watcher, music lover and a great sportsman

Website : Blogging Kid

Follow Him On Twitter : @harishkrishna

Name : Katharnavas (kathar)

Location : India (Madurai).

Katharnavas is famous RT and also for giving superb links. His tweeps are globally famous. Web Developer & Open Social Application Developer &Blackberry Application Developer by profession (Working as a Senior Software Developer).

Website : NA

Follow Him On Twitter : @katharnavas

Name : Aloysius Raj (Far1983)

Location : India (Adyar, Chennai)

He's heartthrob of Adyar (Chennai), He's single always ready to get mingle n jingle. a cool dude of Coffeeclub, always smiling you can very well exp on his DP

Website : Am I Good At This (Me, Myself, My Thoughts, My Experience, My Dreams, My Life)

Follow Him On Twitter : @far1983

Name : Ranjani Ravi (Rampantheart)

Location : India

She's very Enthusiastic person when it comes to Twitter or Coffeeclub, she superb aspiring writer, great thinker, a bibliophile and also an enthusiastic admirer of philosophy.

Website : The Voices Within (Hungry Minds Fed.)

Follow Her On Twitter : @rampantheart

Name : Farrhad.A (Farrhad)

Location : India (Mumbai)

One of the youngest person in Coffeeclub. Smart Kid always bubbling with ideas, superb blogger and also Designer at this young age. An awesome Guitarist who's always there to help his friends at anytime.

Website : Farrhad

Follow Him On Twitter : @farrhad

Name : Ishmeet (Ishme3t)

Location : India (Punjab)

To say about this person He's 19 unemployed and very lazy but but wants to become a Rock star, very friendly person. This person is always busy wont be online most of the time in Twitter but don't know how he comes online at the perfect time when people are having funn together. Will be there at rite time at rite place that's Ishmeet.

Website : NA

Follow Him On Twitter : @ishme3t

Name : Denise Heng (Snowrose)

Location : Indonesia (Medan)

To say about Denise may be iam not the correct person because haven't spoke to this person much but but me believe have heard much about this person from others, one of the them is Milana who knows Denise very well. Actually these two people are very close friends and have also met together for a Coffee. Hope in my next i get a chance to write about you in brief.

Website : NA

Follow Her On Twitter : @sn0wrose

Name : Nathan Reid (nathanreid)

Location : Finland

Nathan is a very friendly guy who's very active in Coffeeclub, You will find him online on Twitter most of the time, will sure RT your tweet if like it.

Website : NA

Follow Him On Twitter : @nathanreid

Name : Shailee (shaileelathe)

Location : India (Kanpur)

Shailee is very silent person of Coffeeclub, very hard to find her online, She's an awesome writer just check her blog you will exp that. you rock Shailee be more active in Coffeeclub.

Website : Shailee Lathe (Love Laugh Live)

Follow Her On Twitter : @shaileelathe

Name : Ganesh (ganeshsrinivas)

Location : India (Chennai)

Ganesh is another young person of Coffeeclub, kid at heart but he's Internet Marketer, i don't know how these kids come up with brilliant idea's you people rock dude. Also superb blogger.

Website : Online Bull (Smashing Internet Marketing Tips)

Follow Him On Twitter : @ganeshsrinivas

Name : Pritesh Gupta (Priteshgupta)

Location : India (Delhi)

Pritesh is a very kind person who loves to blog, tweep, eat and also to study. Pritesh is also known as PG because i heard many saying PG rather Pritesh.

Website : Pritesh Gupta.Com (Fresh Techie News)

Follow Him On Twitter : @priteshgupta

Name :
Vanda (Vewe)

Location :

Vanda aka Vewe is very famous and sister of many Coffeeclub members, she loves pigs and panda all the time giving super duper panda hug to each and every Coffeeclub member. Very expert in throwing stuffs if u impress her she might throw rose on you or else she might throw whole rose plant with the pot tryin to break your head lol her one liner "I say what i mean and i mean what i say".

Website : NA

Follow Her On Twitter : @vewe

Name: Nurul Ambia(Nurul54)

Location : Kuala Lumpur

Nurul is also famous in throwing stuffs like @vewe but a very nice and kind person at heart, like @cheth me and many others even Nurul likes to wear shades, she even made me to join a club only for people with shades. Nurul's Bio "
I exist for those for whom I exist!"

Website : NA

Follow Her On Twitter : @Nurul54


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